(The Village is located 5 minutes away and offers free parking plus complimentray use of their gym and swimming pool facilities - Taxi transfers are NOT included)
Classic rock anthems, incredible musicians, sensational vocalists and a ROCKTACULAR experience; with a lot of laughs thrown in! All the ingredients that make up the phenomenal, 'Rock for Heroes'!
Performed by a superb 7-piece band, the show breathes new life into the music of Guns 'N' Roses, Bon Jovi, Van Halen, Dire Straits, Fleetwood Mac, Queen and more! You'd be 'Livin' on a Prayer' if you miss it!
Experience an evening that will awaken nostalgia, have you laughing till your sides hurt and ROCKIN' the night away!
So, jump at your chance to get your tickets today! Let 'Rock for Heroes' take you back that Summer of '69 and join us for the BIGGEST celebration of the Heroes of Rock!